About Us
Hamilton Right to Life is an educational non-political, non-denominational organization (Charitable Registration No.: 118951862RR0001). We promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death through education. Hamilton Right to Life is dedicated to providing the public with information on the following life issues:
Fetal Development
Cloning & Reproductive Technologies
Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
Embryonic & Adult Stem Cell Research
Post-Abortion Syndrome
Our Guiding Principles
Human life begins at conception.
The right to life is the most basic human right on which all other rights depend.
Society’s most fundamental responsibility and obligation is to recognize and protect the sanctity and worth of every human life from conception to natural death.
We support only peaceful means to promote our message.
Board of Directors
Other Members
​Chair– Rev. Msgr. Ted Slaman
Vice-Chair – Jeffrey Mackness
Financial – Kim Drotar
Secretary – Dan Shaw
Administrative Director – Janet Mulder McKenzie
Administrative Assistant - Nancy Meehan
Youth Engagement & Social Media Coordinator – Ana Maria Rivera
Special Events Coordinator - Enza Rattenni
Harvey Bailey
Tanya Bouman
Peter Boushy
Dora Giammaria
Wayne Hancock